15. I remember them sincerely who enable
human beings to cognize cosmic space.
As you proceed through this
program, you will become more aware of the fact that words are a futile means
of expressing galactic realities. Even the word “galactic” is a veil I am using in order to make this presentation more accessible. Words have already failed.
What comes of these words will be determined by the degree of commitment you
apply to what will unfold should you continue with the Call. If you are reading this commentary, you have already infused
enough of the galactic field into your human energy system to know a few things
directly, as cognition. What passes here for commentaries is a mental matrix
that will help you in developing your growing capacity for cognition.
Otherwise, you would not be reading this.
The Call to the Galactic Mind references the deepest mystery about self-existent beings. Ultimately, it is
about how galactic beings and the Galactic Mind can endure cosmic aloneness.
One can only cognize what it is
like to be alone within the cosmic arena. It cannot be explained. Remember that
here cosmic does not mean planets, stars, galaxies, and quasars. To be cosmic
means to be in contact with the Galactic Field through the intent of the
Galactic Mind. The cognition of the aloneness of cosmic status is the most
sobering experience you will ever have.
Now that you have reached this
level of the program, the time has come for you to understand, at least
intellectually, what you will be striving for through its practice. The goal of
the program is for you eventually to be transported at sometime during your
human existence directly into the galactic field as a self-existent galactic
self wrapped in a veil of pure consciousness. The veil of pure consciousness is
your human contribution to cosmic life. Right now you are in the process of
becoming an embryonic galactic self. Soon the mature Galactic Self will make
its transposition into the unknown. On the cosmic level, there are three possibilities
for you: one, retain your human form through the regular round of earthplanet
plane incarnations until the Galactic Self leaves this plane of existence,
after which you and the universe of human perception will gradually dissolve
into emptiness; two, merge into the Galactic Self and become part of the matrix
it needs for its transposition; three, remain on this plane of cosmic existence
as a new Galactic Self in the aloneness of pure existence, engaging your own
galactic field as your preparation for transposition into the unknown.