16. I remember them
sincerely who sustain self-existence
within the mystery of living love.
The mystery of what has been said
here is unfathomable. You will have to verify it for yourself through acts of
cognition. The deepest aspect of this mystery, however, is the subject of this
note in the Call to the Galactic Mind. In order to understand the nature of
love as the word is used in this commentary, you will have to abandon what you
know about love through your human experience, except that life without it is
Up to this point, what you have
been told about galactic beings is that they self-exist, that they are alone,
and that they manifest untold numbers of cosmic realities, including what you
know as the universe. These manifestations arise out of cosmic necessity. The
effect of this necessity generates waves of reality within the self-exploration
of a galactic being; in other words, within the formless reality of pure
existence beings, there is “movement.” It is the first wave of this movement
that concerns us here.
The first wave of reality
manifesting out of a galactic being is that which “looks back” at the galactic
being and sends waves of “love” into it. I call this condition of a galactic being
“living love.” Living love is eternally present. No galactic being can tolerate
what it is without taking care of itself through living love.
Living love is the first vibration
of knowing. It is the galactic being looking back on itself while simultaneously
knowing where it has come from. This is how the galactic being knows what it
is. This is how it tolerates being what it is. At this point, words fail even
more catastrophically than in any other part of these commentaries. I can only
explain it with the words I have, but understand the futility with which I am
now writing.
When living love “gazes” upon the
galactic being, it “feels” an utter and absolute cognition of beauty. It can
never! never! not be totally absorbed in that cognition. Love flows within the
galactic being through this eternal adoration, and out of this adoration arise
all of the original qualities that underline all manifestations of a galactic
being. Worlds, stars, galaxies, and their underlying spiritual conditions
originate within this singular “event,” which sends streams of Hidden Dragon
energy into the matrix of its eternal questioning. Like infinite petals
unfolding in a flower, a galactic being becomes what it is. Living love and the
galactic being are the same. Self-existence is no less self-existence through
the reality of living love.
Throughout all eternity and with
the infinite energy of Hidden Dragon bursting through all boundaries in order
to express more, infinite galactic beings exist in this way. There is no “before”;
there is no “after.” This is the way it always is.