17. I remember them
sincerely who are the truth
of living love and consciousness remembering.
Here you are, a mortal being,
living a life that had a beginning and maybe one day will have an end. You see
death all around. You think about it. You also avoid thinking about it. You
live an object-oriented existence, “leaning” on all sorts of things in order to
know what you are, including a body, which may die. Things come, things go, yet
you go on. Is your past included in what you are? Is your past still going on?
What do you remember?
During a substance-assisted
journey in my youth, I found myself “remembering” the moment just following the
union of the egg and sperm that was the beginning of my life. How is that
possible? If your answer is that the experience was purely a product of the
ingested substance and, therefore not real, then you will have a difficult time
accepting what is to follow. I know the experience is real because I knew
myself in it.
I do not know to what degree you
have struggled with the reality this program stirs. It is so far out there that
you can easily have made all this an exercise for the mind. Unless you have had
some experience or cognition by now, you can accept or dismiss what appears
here solely out of your intellectual predilections. I doubt seriously you would
be reading this if something of this godspace reality were not carrying you on.
The substance of the program to
this point has addressed the question, “What is real?”; now I ask you, “What do
you remember?” Remembering is tricky business. There are things we remember,
things we can’t remember, and things we don’t want to remember. In our personal
lives, memory plays a vital role in how we act. Scientists in various fields
say that within our bodies and minds are the unremembered histories of our
human evolution as well as archetypes of the collective unconscious of the
race. There are those who say they have remembered parts of these histories. I
take them at their word. I have had experiences along these lines and have
chosen to move on.
Your consciousness has the
capacity to remember. To remember your birth or pre-birth states is remarkable
in human terms. Most have no such memories. What this note in the Call to the
Galactic Self stirs is your capacity to “remember” your origin within the
galactic field. The previous note in the call brought you to the reality of
living love. In this context, remembering does not involve a past. The galactic
field is eternal; it is here now. Galactic beings are manifesting infinite
realities without end. You are a product of processes that are ongoing within a
single galactic being, which is continually managing the Hidden Dragon energy
that keeps you and everything else going—now. In other words, you have a direct
link into the truth of pure existence as your original condition.
I have referred to such
realizations as cognitions. Now I would like you to consider cognitions as acts
of memory. Your consciousness can remember what you are in the galactic field
where there is no consciousness. You can complete a cosmic loop by remembering
with your consciousness that you are an expression of a galactic being. When
consciousness returns to its source, you are it and it is you. This is
self-existence. There is nothing outside of self-existence. It only seems that
way within a human, object-oriented life. Remember what generated your
consciousness—the galactic being. You can’t not be what that is.
As your consciousness merges more
deeply into the galactic field and you “remember” your origin within that
field, deeper cognitions will emerge. You will know the role of human
existence. You will know the limitations of human existence. You will know the
responsibilities of cosmic life.