3. I remember
them sincerely
who pacify
the existential dilemma.
Two major events occur as you engage the
galactic field and draw upon you the attention of the Galactic Mind.
First, you begin to question your life in terms of the bare fact of your
existence. You don’t ask why you exist; you are astonished by the fact that you
do exist and that anything exists. Second, you need some protection against a
prolonged cognition of that level of reality. The moment you cognize the state
of “I exist!”, you are temporarily a galactic being. With that status you are a
member of the host of galactic beings within the field. The difference between
you and them at this point is that they have existed in that field for
eternity, and you have just popped in. And you have a consciousness; they
don’t. Thus, unprotected contact with the field is dangerous for you. Being
what they are, galactic beings don’t care about you, but the Galactic Mind
does. The Galactic Mind oversees the totality of all that manifests out of the
investigations of galactic beings within the field.
Galactic beings have inherent in their reality the capacity to “pacify” the truth of their existence. You don’t. Special veils are provided for you by the Galactic Mind that are different in substance than the dense human veils of mind, body, and sense, which protect you now from the field, which is omnipresent. The galactic veils are more diaphanous because they are calibrated to gradually allow more contact with the galactic field. Of course, at this point, you do not know that you want to make that connection.
Galactic beings have inherent in their reality the capacity to “pacify” the truth of their existence. You don’t. Special veils are provided for you by the Galactic Mind that are different in substance than the dense human veils of mind, body, and sense, which protect you now from the field, which is omnipresent. The galactic veils are more diaphanous because they are calibrated to gradually allow more contact with the galactic field. Of course, at this point, you do not know that you want to make that connection.
Galactic beings have no veils but can pacify
their knowledge of themselves as singularities simply by not being conscious.
If you want to explore contact with the galactic field, you will need help that
can only be provided by the Galactic Mind.