Sunday, November 27, 2016

18. Who Sustain Human Consciousness as it Enters Cosmic Life

18.  I remember them sincerely who sustain
human conscious as it enters cosmic life.

Human beings have a role to play in the transposition of the Galactic Self onto a higher plane of existence. Human beings have no other value than that. However, that value is so great as to generate the intense interest of the Galactic Mind. Few human beings will attain the levels of self-knowledge that are unfolding here. It doesn’t matter. The Galactic Self only needs what it needs.

It is impossible to know what that measure is. It is impossible to know what the whole of human existence has contributed to that process. It doesn’t matter. There is no need to know. Individual human beings, however, are vital to the approaching galactic transposition.

All of the realities generated by galactic beings are explorations by the Galactic Self into what it is. “When” it transposed onto this galactic plane, it had no consciousness and, therefore, no idea what it “was.” Each being within all that arises out of the work of galactic beings is a probe into this mystery. As worlds unfolded and conscious beings appeared on the galactic scene, the Galactic Self took on a penumbra of consciousness, which, when projected upon the emerging realities of the galactic body, became the Galactic Mind.

As the Galactic Seed-Self entered this cosmic plane, it was in danger of expanding to infinity instantaneously. The unrelenting, unconscious power of Hidden Dragon respects no boundaries. Therefore, by necessity, galactic beings, which “sub-exist” on every galactic plane as seed-realities, began generating life forms. These life forms acted first as a restraint upon the threatened infinite expansion of the Galactic Seed-Self; once the Galactic Self was in place, an attention emerged so that it could engage what was emerging out of the galactic beings. Its evolution generated the Galactic Mind, which then took on the intent that is the substance of the galactic plane it occupies, including human consciousness now.

The process by which the Galactic Self becomes prepared for its transposition is coming to a close. Each human life, no matter how good or evil it was, has supplied much needed “information” about its reality. In the last stage of this process, the Galactic Mind is sending pieces of itself into individuals living on earthplanet plane. I refer to these events as incursions. This piece of the Galactic Mind explores the life it has entered and steers it into readiness for membership in galactic life. For me this process began in 1999 and continues to this day. Without that presence, this program would not exist.

There is another experience by which human consciousness can merge with the Galactic Mind. I call that experience excursion. Without forewarning, the Galactic Mind can sweep you out of your personal consciousness and join you to its point of view. In this union, you know everything. It is rather like standing at the very front of a large ship. You “see” the emptiness  ahead while behind you is the infinite detail with which the Galactic Mind works. You are not allowed to turn around, of course, because human consciousness can no more take on the Galactic Mind than an amoeba can cognize a galaxy. 

There may be other means of experiencing this union; I only know these two. These limits are no problem for me, though. I can barely handle what I’ve got. I am just grateful to be what I am, never mind what I am becoming.