Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Short Call to the Galactic Mind

The Short Call to the Galactic Mind is the invocation to the Buddhas of Pure Existence. They are the original beings of the galactic field. Much of the commentary is about them and how they link us to our personal lives as well as to the Galactic Mind. Chant the short call freely with the idea of cognizing what they really are. The long call is presented for study and deeper experience of the galactic field.

I remember them sincerely
who reveal the truth within its own refuge.

I remember them sincerely
who sustain self-awareness in all conscious beings.

I remember them sincerely
who pacify the existential dilemma.

I remember them sincerely
who self-exist without a safe harbor.

I remember them sincerely
who know infinity before it becomes bounded.

I remember them sincerely who endure
 the impossibility of all knowledge becoming.

I remember them sincerely who enable
consciousness to engage pure existence.

I remember them sincerely who give shelter
to longings that can never fulfill.

I remember them sincerely who enable a
human being to cognize cosmic space.

Living love  fire of life  pure existence  is
Living love  fire of life  pure existence  is
Living love  fire of life  pure existence  is